We implement solutions that create value beyond the books

For IL&FS, infrastructure is more than the sum of its parts. We mix brick, mortar, technology, finance, and management, with warmth, hope and promise.

We meet complex challenges with innovative solutions that create concrete impact and add value for every stakeholder in every project area.

The Long Vision

Our approach is founded on a deep understanding of our contexts, coupled with the long vision for holistic and sustainable solutions. We are able to implement these solutions through nurturing talent and experience, and creating effective and lasting partnerships

Our business verticals form an ecosystem of competencies spread across sectors. Our project development approach leverages the varied skill sets within the IL&FS Group to deliver cross-sectoral mandates.

Project Development

Unlike traditional models, the IL&FS project development and sponsorship cycle is anchored on wide-ranging consultations with the local community and other stakeholders. It also ensures a comprehensive assessment of environmental and social issues in every project area. This helps integrate a mitigation plan into the project life cycle and provides stakeholders with complete clarity and transparency.

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How the IL&FS approach provides clarity to project stakeholders

For IL&FS, the vision of the end result motivates the process, and we judge the success of our projects by their visible outcomes. An aspiration fulfilled; a community empowered; a region enriched: such achievements continually inspire us to catalyse small developments that make big impacts.